Internet pornography use among teens has increased dramatically over the past ten years and we are only at the front end of understanding the impact that it is having on today’s youth. At Star Guides Wilderness, we provide treatment to youth from all parts of the country who have developed an addiction to pornography that has subsequently led to a variety of additional problems resulting in the need for intensive therapeutic intervention. These problems range from clinical depression and anxiety to self-loathing and hatred to sexual offending.
Recent research suggests that teens who regularly view pornography are more sexually active and even sexually violent. Internet safety expert Russ Warner has compiled a list of behaviors that are more commonly noted among teens who regularly view pornography.
having intentions to engage in sexual intercourse
having earlier initiation of sex
having sexual activity more frequently
having more sex partners
having multiple lifetime sexual partners
having had more than one sexual partner in the last three months
having engaged in other explicit sex acts
having engaged in sexual intercourse
having a strong desire to conceive
becoming pregnant
testing positive for sexually-transmitted diseases
having negative attitudes toward using condoms
having not used contraception during the last intercourse
having not used contraception in the past 6 months
having used alcohol or other substances at last sexual encounter
having higher sexual permissiveness scores
having less progressive gender role attitudes
being more likely to see women as sex objects
being more accepting of sexual harassment
engaging in more sexual harassment perpetration
engaging in forced sex
being a juvenile sex offender
At Star Guides Wilderness, we see first hand the devastating consequences that pornography addiction has on teens and our mission is to help teens and their families to recover from its effects and learn to live life free from pornography and sexual addiction.